
1973 Mustang Mach 1 - Restoration Project - August 2016 - August 2017

---------------------> Original color will be used when completed. -------------->


Driver Side Floor - removal and replace with new full floor pan  
Seat platform was badly rusted. Left front Seat bolt was gone. Rebuilt and reconstructed.  
Passenger side had multiple pin holes and thin metal.  
Foot board torque box support was completely rotted through To maintain the structure and no shifting I decided to rebuild the torque box in 2 pieces.
  Here is the first half of the torque box top. The left side was retained and reenforced temporarily, to ensure nothing shifts
Second piece was installed after cutting out the bad section. Here the inner floor section has been reconstucted and will be welded over the upper torque box.
  Torque box and inner toe board floor reconstructed. Ready for new floor pan.
Some places had 1/2" thick in undercoating and tar. Under the tar was some surface rust but strong solid metal found everywhere. Well preserved.
Under carridge is being scrapped, and wire brushed. All stripped and being washed and ready for 2 coats of POR 15.
Completed the undercarridge. With new leaf springs added. new floors not a spec of rust front to back.
Trunk solid except small spot. Removed a pop riveted piece of metal with fiberglass cloth over top. cut away rusted metal. Grinded to bare metal and Prepped with weld through primer.
New Gas tank has been installed New Fuel sender unit and gas tank straps.
Above engine after teardown, and re-assemble- Engine code and date code 351C-73/Dec/24 Block VIN stamp matches VIN and Ownership - Numbers matching.
  Transmission Serial No. Matches VIN and Motor
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